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Rules & Regulations

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Deadlines: All registrations must be submitted online 28 days prior to the competition date. All entries registered after the deadline will be charged a 10% late fee per entry. Entries are accepted on a first come first serve basis and will be limited to the performance time available. Late entries will be accepted up to and including the day of competition if time permits. Routines registered on the day of competition will be assessed an additional $20 fee per routine. Changes will be accepted up to 21 days prior to the event. Any changes after that must be made at the event. Changes after the 21 day cut off are not guaranteed. Any approved changes made after the 21 day cut off will be charged a change fee of $20 per change. Soloists that do not perform on-site are not eligible for credit, no refunds. All other changes made on-site will be subject to an administrative recalculation fee.

Payment: Full payment is required in order for any entry to be accepted and scheduled in a competition lineup. Payments made prior to the event can be made by studio check, cashier’s check, money order, Visa, Mastercard, and American Express. Studio checks will not be accepted after the 28 day cut off. Payments made at the event can be made by cash, credit card, cashier’s check, or money order. Personal checks will not be accepted at any time. If a balance of 50% or more is due at the time of the event or up to 7 days prior, only a cashier’s check or cash will be accepted. Returned checks will be charged a $30 returned check fee. No refunds, credit only, valid for one year.

General Information: Studio directors must check the release clause on every entry submitted. Act 1 Talent reserves the right to add additional days of competition, move the competition venue due to unforeseen circumstances, and/or cancel the competition if the minimum number of entries has not been met. In the event of a competition cancellation, all entry fees will be refunded. Admission is free for competition participants and viewers. Doors will open at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the competition. Food, drink, and smoking are not permissible in the competition performance area nor anywhere inside the contracted venue area. Good sportsmanship is expected at all Act 1 Talent events from all teachers, directors, dancers, and spectators. Independent registrations are accepted with the approval of their studio, only. A director, designated teacher or representative from each registered studio or independent entry MUST check in at the Act 1 Talent booth prior to participating in any Act 1 Talent event.

Photo & Video: For the safety of our performers, choreographers, teachers, and parents, the taking of photographs and videos is strictly prohibited during all performances. Photography and videography is also prohibited in the dressing room areas. The use of photography and videography in these areas will result in disqualification and immediate removal from the performance venue. It is the responsibility of studios to inform their participants and their viewers of these rules. As a convenience to participants, professional photographs and videos will be available for purchase. If professional photos & videos are unavailable other arrangements will be made. Photography and videography will be allowed during our classes and awards ceremonies.

Livestream: We cannot guarantee a live feed of every event. In the event we are able to offer a live feed, we cannot be held responsible for any competition not streamed. We do not stream any awards ceremonies or classes. Screen recording is strictly prohibited. Anyone screen recording or sharing a screen recording will be disqualified from the event. This is for the safety of our dancers and choreographers.


Acro – Routines containing multiple gymnastic passes incorporating dance technique and choreography

Ballet – Classical ballet technique

Ballroom – Routines consisting of classic or Latin ballroom technique and style

Character – Novelty or theme based routines that portray easily recognizable characters

Clogging – Clogging technique

Contemporary – Routines combining ballet & modern techniques

Folk – Traditional routines incorporating ethnic styles of dance such as Hawaiian or Polka

Hip Hop – Street dance styles including traditional breaking, popping, and locking as well as newer styles

Improv – Non-choreographed, spontaneously created movement (see IMPROV details below)

Jazz – Classic jazz technique

Jazz Funk – Elements of hip hop and or street jazz

Lyrical – Combination of ballet and jazz technique

Modern – Classic modern technique focusing on interpretive movements and breath

Musical Theater – Broadway style dancing

Open – Any routines combining more than one style

Pointe – Routines with classic ballet techniques performed on pointe

PomPon/Drill – Routines incorporating sharp movements, formation changes, marching, and can include the use of Pom Pons

Production – 15 or more dancers portraying a story line

Song & Dance – Routines that contain singing and any style of dance (All accompaniments must be pre-recorded.  Performers will be provided with one hand held microphone.)

Tap – Classic Tap technique.

  • Routines may not contain more than 3 gymnastic passes, unless placed in the Acro/Gymnastics category.
  • Lip-syncing is permitted.
  • Improv Routines: must submit a selection of 3 song choices prior to the start of their scheduled session on a labeled USB. Music will be chosen at random by an Act 1 Talent representative. Dancers will not be aware of their song prior to their routine. All songs must meet time requirements. We recommend choosing songs that allow an ample amount of time to showcase a wide variety of skills. Only soloists may enter the improv category. Dancers must spontaneously create all movement during actual performance. Dancers may not choreograph improv routines prior to their performance.

Photogenic: Photogenic entries are accepted. Photogenic entries must be registered and will be required to submit an 8×10 color headshot of the registered contestant. Photos must be labeled with the contestant’s name, date of birth, studio and contact email. Submitted headshots will not be returned. Photogenic winners will be announced with solo awards in their age division. One photogenic winner will be selected from each age division. Photos must be turned in at the beginning of competition. Photos submitted late will not be considered. Photogenic entries will receive audio critiques, available in the registered studio’s account.

Types of Entries

  • Solo (1 dancer)
  • Duet/Trio (2-3 dancers)
  • Small Group (4-9 dancers)
  • Large Group (10-19 dancers)
  • Super Group (20+ dancers)
  • Production (15+ dancers, follows a storyline)

Age Divisions

4 & under, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 & Adult. Age of entry is determined by adding all dancers’ ages as of January 1 together, dividing by the number of dancers, and determining the average age. If the average age includes a decimal, drop the decimal for correct placement into Act 1 Talent age divisions. Ages and birth dates must appear on all entries. Overall age groups: Mini (5 & under), Petite (6-8), Junior (9-11), Teen (12-14), & Senior (15-18). Contestants will be responsible for showing proof of age to competition directors should a question arise. *Adult entries are adjudicated only and are not eligible for overall awards, cash prizes, costume, choreography, entertainment or the Act 1 Elite awards. 

Any routines containing studio teachers or directors must be registered in the Adult category, regardless of the average age. To register a routine containing teachers or directors, please contact our office.

Levels of Competition

The placement of performers is at the discretion of the teacher.

Preview:  Beginning Level 

Suggested for dancers who take 3 hours of class per week or less or have little or no competition experience.

Dancers in the Preview level are focusing on basic technique including but not limited to; single pirouettes, basic shuffles and flaps, musicality and rhythm, and performance quality over multiple tricks.  Preview level entries are eligible for “Preview” top score overall awards as well as costume, entertainment, choreography, Act 1 spirit, weekend high point and cash awards, should they meet all requirements.  Preview level competitors are not eligible for the Act 1 Elite award. Preview entries can be moved into the next level of competition First Act, if and when the entry’s score qualifies high enough to receive the same placement in the next level of competition.  A Preview entry must score 283 or higher to be moved to the First Act level. For more information on our Equal Chance/Bump Rule please see below.

First Act: Intermediate Level 

Suggested for dancers taking 3-7 hours of dance class per week and have competition experience.

Dancers in the First Act level are performing multiple pirouettes, building upon shuffle and flap combinations as well as rhythmic tap concepts, various leap and turn combinations, focusing on transitions and flow of the dance, and an increased performance quality.  First Act entries are eligible for “First Act” overall awards as well as costume, entertainment, choreography, Act 1 spirit, weekend high point and cash awards, should they meet all requirements.  A First Act entry can be moved into the next level of competition “Second Act” if and when the entry’s score qualifies high enough to receive the same placement in the next level of competition.  A First Act must score 288 or higher to be moved to the Second Act level. For more information on our Equal Chance/Bump Rule please see below.

Second Act: Advanced Level 

Suggested for dancers taking 6 or more hours of dance class per week and who have had extensive competition experience.

Performers in this category should be focused on expanding their choreographic repertoire as well as exploring the emotional commitment to each piece.  Skills should be advanced and should show a solid technical foundation.  Second Act entries are eligible for “Second Act” overall awards as well as costume, entertainment, choreography, Act 1 spirit, Act 1 elite, weekend high point and cash awards, should they meet all requirements. Second Act is the highest level of competition at Act 1 Talent.

Spotlight Level

Act 1 Talent is here to provide dancers of all levels and abilities with a positive and fair environment to showcase their talent, hard work, and love of dance. Our Spotlight level is designed for dancers with disabilities to afford these dancers and their families the same opportunity to share our stage regardless of their age or ability. By joining us at Act 1 Talent we want to enrich the lives of these dancers and encourage them to achieve new possibilities in a fun and safe environment.

Spotlight entries will work in conjunction with Act 1 Talent so that proper accommodations can be met. To help accommodate Spotlight entries, rules will be subject to change as needed, but must be pre-approved by Act 1 Talent in writing prior to the event. Spotlight entries will not be bumped into any other level based on score. Spotlight entries are eligible for the following awards:

  • Spotlight Overall Awards: A Top Overall will be awarded when there are a minimum of 3 routines entered. 1st-3rd Overall will be awarded when 5 or more routines are entered. 1st-5th Overall will be awarded when 10 or more routines are entered. 1st-10th Overall will be awarded when 15 or more routines are entered.
  • Costume Awards
  • Entertainment Awards
  • Choreography Awards
  • Special Judges Awards
  • Act 1 Talent Spirit Award

We hope you join us in our Spotlight level and dance like EVERYONE is watching!

Equal Chance “BUMP” Rule: In order to help provide dancers of all levels with a fair competition experience, Act 1 Talent has created the Equal Chance “BUMP” Rule. Any entry is eligible to be bumped into the next level of competition if that routine scores high enough to receive the highest placement in the next level of competition. For example, a “Preview” entry can be bumped into “First Act” if that entry scores high enough to receive a Diamond in “First Act”, scoring a 283 or higher. “First Act” entries are also eligible to be bumped into “Second Act” if they receive a score of 288 or higher, earning them a Diamond in the “Second Act” level. If a soloist has entered more than one solo, all solos will be bumped into the next highest level if any solo scores high enough to be bumped. This rule is based solely on a point system and is not at the discretion of our judges.

Time Limits

Time LimitExtended Time LimitExtended Time Fee
Solo (1)2:453:15$5
Duet/Trio (2-3)2:453:15$5/dancer
Small Group (4-9)3:003:30$5/dancer
Large Group (10-19)4:004:30$5/dancer
Super Group (20+)4:004:30$5/dancer
Production (15+)8:009:00$5/dancer


Dancers are expected to perform in the order of the published program, unless the competition director grants special permission, or a pre-approved change was accepted by the office prior to the start of the competition and it has been put in writing. Any unauthorized delay in the performance schedule will result in a 10 point deduction per judge for the specific entry making the delay. All entries are expected to perform once. Any entries needing to be re-performed on behalf of the performer or teacher will be judged as an adjudication only routine. A tentative schedule with performance times of each act will be available online using our “Studio Center” one week prior to the competition. Dancers competing in the first 10 acts should arrive in full costume, including hair and make-up, ready to perform. All other competing dancers must be ready to perform a minimum of one hour prior to their scheduled performance time. If the competition is running ahead of schedule, dancers are expected to perform in order of the program and/or when called upon by the competition announcer. Dancers must check in with our backstage manager a minimum of 3 routines prior to their scheduled entry. If a registered studio or teacher would like to protest a performance for any reason they must do so in writing within 30 minutes of the performance in question. Protest forms are available at the Act 1 Talent registration booth.

*Dancers may not compete against themselves. *Overall ties will be broken by the highest technical score. *Contestants will be judged by a panel of judges selected by Act 1 Talent. *All entries agree that the time, manner, and method of judging shall be solely within the discretion of the directors of Act 1 Talent. *All decisions of the judges & directors are final. *Contestants and teachers, by virtue of entering an Act 1 Talent event, give their permission and consent to the directors of Act 1 Talent to use their images, photographs, and videos within social media, advertisements, electronic media advertising, news, or any other commercial use of our events. *ONLY teachers and performers are allowed backstage. *Dancers may not jump on or off the stage. *For safety reasons, dancers should stay at least 1 foot back from the edge of the marley floor. *For their safety, dancers should never dance off the marley floor. *Dancers are not allowed to touch or incorporate any part of the ACT 1 TALENT set in their routines, during classes, or at awards.


For the safety of the dancers, props are restricted to a maximum height of 8 feet. Production props must be set up and removed within a total time period of 4 minutes.  Any other routines requiring set up time for props will be limited to set up and removal within a total time period of 1 minute. The use of baby powder, un-weighted helium balloons, glitter, aerosol, gels, water, paint, and anything that would affect the dancing surface, is strictly prohibited; the floor must be in the same condition after each act. The use of live animals, knives, weapons, fire, or fog is strictly prohibited. Special lighting may not be used. Prop storage is limited therefore props must be loaded in and out of the venue on the same day they will be used and cannot be stored in the wings or backstage. Anything left on the stage after a routine is the responsibility of that routine to be taken off.

Props may be set and cleared with the help of studio teachers and or representatives. However, during the performances only registered performers are able to actively move props onstage.  Anyone not registered in the routine is unable to assist with props to enhance the performance in any way.  Studio representatives are able to assist in the backstage area, however they cannot actively assist onstage. Any routine not following the rules set forth will be subject to a deduction of points or disqualification at the director’s discretion.

Music: All music must be at the appropriate speed and properly cued. Music cannot be adjusted at the event. Any music turned in at the event must be submitted by teachers at the registration booth upon check in. Music turned in at the event can be picked up at the conclusion of each awards presentation. Unclaimed USB’s will be discarded at the end of competition. Music must be turned in prior to the start of any scheduled routine’s session. Studios are required to have a backup of all music in one of Act 1 Talent’s accepted forms of music. Only the following forms of music will be accepted:

Digital Upload: Upload your music online through your studio account. Music can only be uploaded once registration is submitted. All uploaded music will be assigned routine ID’s by Act 1 Talent. Music must be uploaded 7 days prior to the event. Music not uploaded by this cut off date must be turned in at the event. Studios are responsible to check playback of all routines once uploaded through the online registration system. All uploaded music must be assigned to a routine. Music not assigned will not be available for digital playback at the event.

USB: USB’s must have individual music tracks labeled by Routine ID Routine Name – Studio Name (i.e. 144 Firework – Katie’s School of Dance). USB’s must be clearly marked with the studio name.

CD: CDs are not an accepted form of music.

Backup Ipod/Ipad/Iphone: Backup music will be accepted on iPods and iPads. Routines must be labeled with ROUTINE ID, ROUTINE NAME & STUDIO. Music must be individual tracks. All items must be unlocked, on airplane mode and sleep settings must be turned off. iPhones/iPods/iPads will ONLY will be accepted as backup music ONLY. These items must be picked up immediately following your routine’s performance. Any of these items not picked up will be left at the venue.


  • Diamond
  • Star Platinum
  • Platinum
  • Star Gold
  • Gold

Categories with 3 or more entries in an individual age will be awarded with a category 1st place award.

Categories containing less than three entries will be awarded with medal placements only.

Act 1 Elite Award: An entry will receive the Act 1 Elite award if it scores 290-300. Only entries entered in the “Second Act” level are eligible for the Act 1 Elite Award, or if a “First Act” level entry advances into the Second Act level scoring 290-300. Preview entries are not eligible for the Act 1 Elite Award.

Costume Awards: Awarded to 1-3 entries per overall age group: 5 & under, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, & 15-18. Routines must be entered as a small group, large group, super group, or production in order to receive this award. Costume awards can be given in any level.

Entertainment Awards Awarded to 1-3 entries per overall age group: 5 & under, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, & 15-18. Routines must be entered as a small group, large group, super group, or production in order to receive this award. Entertainment awards can be given in any level.

Choreography Awards: Awarded to 1-3 entries per overall age group: 5 & under, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, & 15-18. Routines must be entered as a small group, large group, super group, or production in order to receive this award. Choreography Awards can be given in any level.

Special Awards: Selected by the Act 1 Talent judging panel, directors or representatives. Awarded to a routine for displaying a unique quality. Special Awards will be given at the start of each awards ceremony.

Weekend High Point: Awarded to the highest scoring group routine of the weekend in every level. Must be a small group, large group, super group, or production to be considered, solos/duets/trios are not eligible. One group will receive the “Weekend High Point” award in Preview, First Act and Second Act. Weekend High Point winners will be announced during the last group routine award ceremony.

Act 1 Spirit Award: During the final group awards ceremony of each regional competition, we will award one studio with our Act 1 Spirit Award. This will be awarded to a studio displaying good sportsmanship, teamwork, positive attitude, and contributing to the overall positive experience received at Act 1 Talent events. This is including but not limited to dancers, teachers, directors, parents, family and friends. Act 1 Spirit Awards will be awarded by an Act 1 Director.

Overall Awards: Awarded to the top scoring Solos, Duet/Trio, Small Groups, Large Groups, Super Groups and Productions in the Preview, First Act, and Second Act levels. Routines must be performed during their scheduled session in order to be eligible for Overall Awards, unless otherwise approved in writing by a Director. Overall Groups will be awarded places 1-10 when there are 10 or more entries entered, 1-5 when 5 or more entries are entered, 1-3 when 3 or more entries are entered, and 1 when 2 or less entries are entered. A Top 15 will only be awarded if there are 50 or more eligible routines registered in a category. Soloists are only eligible to place once in Overall Awards. Spotlight entries are eligible for Overall Awards if 3 or more groups are registered; please see Spotlight Level information for more details.

Cash Awards: Cash Awards will be awarded to the TOP scoring Solo, Duet/Trio, Small Group, Large Group, Super Group and Production. A minimum of 5 eligible overall routines must be entered in any given overall category in order for cash prizes to be given. Cash prizes will be awarded in Preview, First Act and Second Act levels. Cash prizes will be given to the registered studio ONLY. All cash prizes must be picked up at the Act 1 Talent booth following your designated awards ceremony or at the end of the event by a studio director. Unclaimed cash awards will be given in the form of a credit to the registered studio’s account, valid for one year.

THE CALLBACK: Soloists registered in the First Act or Second Act level are eligible to receive an invitation to be a part of The Callback at our National Finals 2024. The top 10 overall First Act & Second Act soloists in the Junior, Teen, & Senior age divisions will be invited to perform in The Callback. The Callback will be the opening number for the Grand Finale at National Finals 2024. Please see our National Final rules for more information on The Callback.

ACT 1 ARTIST: Soloists registered in the Second Act level are eligible to compete for the title Act 1 Artist of the Weekend. Artist of the Weekend is open to all genders. Only one Act 1 Artist of the Weekend will be awarded per age division. Artist awards will be awarded in the following age categories: Mini, Petite, Junior, Teen & Senior. There only needs to be 1 Artist contestant registered per age division in order for the division to be held.  All previous Act 1 Talent Artist of the Weekend winners must enter new routines for the following year’s regional competition. Dancers registered to compete for Act 1 Talent Artist of the Weekend will receive an additional Artist score 1-50. This score will be based on overall performance, choreographic connection, technique & stage presence. The entry with the highest Artist score will be awarded Act 1 Artist of the Weekend. Winning dancers will receive a jacket, award and a cash prize. Cash prizes will only be awarded to Artist of the Weekend winners when 3 or more dancers are registered per age division. Dancers must be registered with a studio and in at least one group routine in order to compete for the Artist award. Acceptable group routines include small groups, large groups, super groups or productions. Duets/Trios do not count as a group routine. Independent entries are not eligible to compete for Act 1 Artist of the Weekend. Dancers must be registered for the Artist category prior to competing their Artist routine. Artist of the Weekend is in addition to regular solo competition. Dancers registered for Artist of the Weekend are still eligible for overall awards, cash prizes and special awards in their age divisions.

Dancers who participated in the Act 1 Artist of the Weekend program at a 2024 regional event and scored a Diamond or Star Platinum with their registered solo are invited to attend National Finals 2024 and compete for Act 1 Artist of the Year. Dancers are not required to be a winning Weekend Artist or Runner Up to compete for Act 1 Artist of the Year at National Finals.

ADJUDICATION ONLY: Routines entered as adjudication only will receive a video critique, score and medal placement only. These routines will not be eligible for overall awards or any other specialty awards. If a routine performs out of category and does not have written approval from an Act 1 Talent director it will perform for adjudication only.

Scoring Breakdown

PreviewFirst ActSecond Act
Diamond300 – 278300 – 283300 – 288
Star Platinum277.9 – 265282.9 – 270287.9 – 275
Platinum264.9 – 251269.9 – 256274.9 – 261
Star Gold250.9 – 235255.9 – 240260.9 – 245
Gold234.9 – 205239.9 – 210244.9 – 215

Technique: 50 points

Execution of the Routine: 20

Overall Presentation: 20

Choreography & Age Appropriateness: 10

Artist of the Weekend (Additional Score): 1-50

Critiques & Score Sheets: All scores and judges critiques will be available to the registered studio within one week of the event. All scores and judges critiques can be found in the studio’s online account. In the case that a video critique is not available, Act 1 Talent will provide a written score sheet. Written score sheets can be picked up at the Act 1 Talent booth after the last awards session for that designated studio. Photogenic entries will receive a written critique and score, available for pickup following their designated award ceremony.


GENERAL: Routines that competed in an Act 1 Talent Regional event and earned a Diamond, Star Platinum, Platinum, or Star Gold are eligible to participate in that season’s National Finals. All regional rules apply unless otherwise specified below. Studios unable to attend a regional event will be required to participate in a regional session at our National Finals event prior to participating in our National Finals competition. Regional sessions will be scheduled on day one and possibly day two of our National Finals event. Regional fees will apply.

SUBSTITUTION: Regional qualifying routines may substitute dancers, except solos. Dancers must be from the same studio and have been registered for a regional event within the same season at the same studio. Routines must contain at least 50% of the original qualifying dancers in order to participate in National Finals. The substitution of dancers may result in age or level changes at National Finals. All routines containing substitutions must recalculate their age & level prior to submitting National Finals registration. Once submitted all changes will be subject to a change fee. Special circumstances may be approved with the Director’s written consent.

CASH AWARDS: Routines receiving Top Overall, 2nd Overall or 3rd Overall awards will receive a cash prize in Preview, First Act and Second Act levels when 10 or more routines are entered. Routines receiving Top Overall will receive a cash prize in Preview, First Act and Second Act levels when 3 or more routines are entered. Regional cash award rules apply. Cash awards will be mailed, in the form of a check, to the address listed on the registered account following the completion of our event.

CLASS PASS: Registered dancers are invited to join us for exclusive National Finals classes! Special guest teachers, scholarships and more! Registered dancers will be required to purchase a class pass to attend classes. Classes will be determined by the dancer’s registered age (6-11 / 12 & up) as of January 1st. The class pass will give dancers access to ALL classes in their designated age division. Class passes can be purchased through your studio prior to the event. Space will be limited. Any remaining class passes will be available for purchase onsite, however class passes are subject to selling out. Class schedules will be released with the National Finals competition schedule. Each age division will be provided with 4-5 classes. The Class Pass fee is $65 / $80 at the door.

CLASS PASS OBSERVERS: Anyone interested in observing classes will be required to purchase an observer band. Observer bands will have access to all classrooms and all classes. Observer bands can be purchased through your studio prior to the event. Observer bands cannot be purchased for individual classes. Observers must have a dancer registered in order to observe class. The Observer band fee is $35 / $40 at the door.

THE CALLBACK: Registered dancers invited to attend the Callback at an Act 1 Talent regional event will perform in THE GRAND FINALE opening routine. Invitations received during our 2024 regional tour are only valid at National Finals 2024. Callback participants will be required to pay a separate Callback fee of $85.00. This fee includes an exclusive Callback t-shirt, which will be worn during their performance. Callback rehearsals will be scheduled during National Finals. Rehearsal schedules will be released with competition schedules. The Callback performance will take place on June 29th.

Registration for the Callback is now open! 

ACT 1 ARTIST OF THE YEAR: Dancers who participated in the Act 1 Artist of the Weekend program at a 2024 regional event and scored a Star Platinum or Platinum with their registered solo are invited to attend National Finals 2024 and compete for Act 1 Artist of the Year. Dancers who received the title Artist of the Weekend, Artist of the Weekend Runner Up, and or a Finalist Invitation are eligible to compete for Artist of the Year. Artist of the Year participants will be required to pay a separate Artist fee of $165.00. This fee includes Artist solo performance, A1T Artist t-shirt, rehearsals & group performance in The Grand Finale. Dancers competing for Artist of the Year in 2024 may perform a solo of their choice for the Artist solo competition. This does not need to be the same solo they qualified with and does not need to be pre-qualified at a regional event. However, any solo competing in the National Finals competition must be pre-qualified and registered separately.  Artist solo performances will be adjudicated only and can be in any style. Dancers can compete the qualifying solo for both Artist of the Year & National Finals competition. However, they must register for both and additional competition fees will apply to enter the National Finals competition. Artist of the Year winners will be announced at The Grand Finale. Participants must be present to win. 2023 Artists of the Year are not eligible to compete for Artist of the Year in 2024 in the same age division. 2023 Artist of the Year recipients are eligible to compete for Artist of the Year in 2024 if they have moved into a new age division. Dancers may only win Artist of the Year once per age division.

Participants will receive scores in the following areas:

Artist Solo Performance: 300

Artist Improv: 150

Artist Rehearsal Etiquette: 50

Total: 500

Registration for Artist of the Year is now open!

*NEW IN 2024* Introducing our new DIAMOND medal placement. Registered routines will now be eligible to receive Diamond, Star Platinum, Platinum and Star Gold medal placements.

THE GRAND FINALE: *NEW IN 2024* In order to help accommodate registered dancers and their attending families the Grand Finale will now be presented in two parts.  These will both take place on June 29, 2024.  Show orders and schedules will be released at National Finals.

The top 5 scoring routines (small groups, large groups and super groups combined) in Preview, First Act & Second Act levels will be invited to re-compete for the title GRAND FINALE CHAMPION. A studio may only be represented once in each division. Studios with multiple top scoring routines in a division will only be allowed to enter their highest scoring routine. Grand Finale Champions will be awarded in the Mini, Petite, Junior, Teen & Senior age divisions. One ULTIMATE GRAND FINALE CHAMPION will be chosen in each level (Preview, First Act & Second Act). This will be awarded to the highest scoring routine out of any age division. Award presentations will take place at The Grand Finale. Performers must be present in order to win.

*NEW IN 2024!* JUDGE’S CHOICE GRAND FINALE ENTRY: 5-10 Judge’s Choice Grand Finale entries will be selected by the judges to re-compete for the title ULTIMATE JUDGE’S CHOICE. All Grand Finale rules apply. A studio may only be represented once in the Judge’s Choice competition.

ACT 1 ENCORE AWARD: Do you have students who spend their time volunteering outside of the studio? Has a student gone above and beyond to make a difference within their community? The Act 1 Encore Award will recognize dancers for making a positive impact in their community. Studios registered for National Finals 2024 with at least five group routines (small group, large group, super group or production) may nominate registered dancers for this award. Nominations do not have to be dance related. 1-3 winners will be selected prior to National Finals 2024. Winners must be present to accept their award at The Grand Finale on June 29, 2024 and may be required to do a short video interview during the week of National Finals.

ELITE STUDIO OF THE YEAR AWARD: Awarded to the top 4 studios receiving the highest average score, in no particular order. Studios must have a minimum of 5 group routines (small group, large group, super group or production) entered in order to qualify for Elite Studio of the Year. All group routine scores will be combined and averaged. In addition to these top 4 winners, the studio with the overall highest score will be awarded Diamond Elite Studio of the Year at The Grand Finale.

DIAMOND ELITE STUDIO OF THE YEAR AWARD: Awarded to the studio receiving the overall highest average score. Studios must have a minimum of 5 group routines (small group, large group, super group or production) entered in order to qualify for Diamond Elite Studio of the Year. All group routine scores will be combined and averaged. The studio with the overall highest score will be awarded Diamond Elite Studio of the Year at The Grand Finale.

STUDIO SPIRIT AWARD: Awarded to the most spirited studio for their positive impact at National Finals 2024. The Studio Spirit Award will be announced at the Grand Finale.

EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR: Awarded to a teacher for their dedication to education. Teachers must be present in order to win.



OTHER: All qualifying routines participating in National Finals MUST maintain the integrity of the original routine. Minor changes to choreography and music are permitted as long as the routine maintains its original integrity. Routines that did not pre-qualify at a regional event will be required to pre-qualify in the regional session. Regional fees will apply.

ACT 1 TALENT IS A FAMILY FRIENDLY EVENT: Act 1 Talent strives to provide you with a family friendly event. Additionally, for anyone attending the event, inappropriate behavior, failure to follow published rules and regulations, violations of law, and/or confrontational behavior may be required to leave the event property at the discretion of event security and/or Act 1 Talent staff. Inappropriate behavior, language, or content will result in immediate disqualification or a point deduction and will be at the discretion of an Act 1 Talent Director. Please remember we are here to encourage you to continue to grow as performers as well as young adults. Sportsmanlike behavior is expected at all times. All areas of the competition venue are to be left in the same condition they were found. Food and drink are not permitted backstage, in the audience, in the dressing rooms, or any other areas designated by Act 1 Talent. Act 1 Talent reserves the right to excuse any viewers or participants who do not comply. Act 1 Talent reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason deemed appropriate. Act 1 Talent is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged items. Do not leave your property and valuables unattended in the event center, theater, or dressing rooms.  Act 1 Talent, its promoters, employees, directors, principals and agents are not liable for any injury, damage, or loss that may be caused by any act or omission of them.

Any performer competing in dance competitions take certain inherent risks. These include, but are not limited to sprains, bruises, pulled muscles, and or broken bones. Participation in this competition indicates the acceptance of such risks by performers. Therefore by virtue of entering this event, it is agreed that participants will not hold Act 1 Talent, its officers, directors, officials, staff or employees responsible for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted by them while in attendance and/or participation in any activity to an Act 1 Talent event. Act 1 Talent reserves the right to use photo and video footage from each event for promotional purposes including but not limited to printed advertisements, social media and video advertisements indefinitely. Act 1 Talent and the hosting facility are not responsible for personal injury to either contestants or spectators. By registering the official studio representative agrees that he/she has informed all parents, guardians, and guests of all rules & regulations. Act 1 Talent is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Act 1 Talent reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.

DRESSING ROOMS: Will be assigned by gender. Same gender parents and teachers only allowed in dressing rooms. Please visit the Act 1 Talent booth at the event for Dressing Room details. For special requests please contact our office prior to the event.  We cannot guarantee special requests. Photography and videography is also prohibited in the dressing room areas.

CITY SPECIFIC: Act 1 Talent reserves the right to make any necessary adjustments to these rules based on city and venue rules and guidelines. Any city specific rules and guidelines will be sent directly to the registered studio prior to the event.

OTHER: All credit card processing fees are non-refundable. This includes but is not limited to accidental charges and overpayments. Please note, our rules are updated from time to time. You can always find our most current rules listed here, on our website.

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