Luke Jacobs
Technical Director
Luke Jacobs began his arts journey sitting in the back of auditoriums and theaters watching his older sister compete in dance competitions. He was THAT kid with his nose buried in his Gameboy, peeking into rooms he shouldn’t be. He’s now a professional theatre artist going on 15 years, working predominantly in Southern California as a singer, dancer, actor, choreographer, and director. Luke believes that arts education and involvement is integral in building character and self-esteem, and loves seeing the INCREDIBLE talent onstage from these young artists at Act 1 Talent competitions. See you on the road!
Favorite Green Room Snack: Cheez-Itz!!
Favorite Act 1 Memory: Practicing the Dirty Dancing lift with team members Hannah and Kaeli during load-out at 1AM
What I Love Most About Being A Member Of TEAM A1T: Not every work environment has a team that absolutely busts their buns to get the job done AND have a great sense of humor about it. The Act 1 Team has the most unique on-the-job sense of humor on the road – I guarantee it!